Tuesday 24 May 2011

Photography & Being An Artist

I was just sitting here thinking, as im trying to create a new photography logo, just how hard being an 'original artist' is these days. I suppose it's the same for writers (song or otherwise), painters, fasion designers, etc . No matter what you 'create', you can be pretty sure it's been done. Even looking for ideas for my logo, it's very difficult to not copy someone. Is this why we also say things like: 'That Lady GaGa song sounds exactly like Britney's last one?'

Sunday 15 May 2011


There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. ~Ansel Adams


This is one of my favourite photography quotes. Please Google Ansel Adams to see the amazing photographs he took.

Saturday 14 May 2011


Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome! My blog will be mainly about photography as it's something I'm very passionate about.
I'm one day hoping to make it my career. I will also add some of my photographs on here.
I have a photography website at www.wix.com/bethanmunday/bethanmundayphotography and I also have a Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/bethanmundayphotography please check them both out and let me know what you think of my photography.

Thanks alot

Bethan :)